Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Threadless again

Just an interesting note...

As the handful of you that visit this site are aware, I submitted a design to Threadless to be published as a tee-shirt. It went to a public vote at 10:45 PM on Monday night. Through the first 24 hours, I received 510 votes (though I do not know how I have been rated due to the fact that the ratings are kept private until the end of the seven day public vote process).

The rate seems to have dropped off considerably, as at the time of this posting, only 11-plus hours into day two, the shirt has been ranked by only 91 people. I kind of expected this as I believe they set the voting up for the newest shirts to come up first, and then the logarithm dictating the presentation to the voters shows the shirts randomly. At least that's my theory.

The bottom line of all this (which is really an interesting market research tool), is that I won't know if they will be selling my shirt or not until next Monday.

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