Thursday, August 16, 2007

Faaabulous Pt 2.


No fair that you are the only one that gets to comment on 300.

I myself have not seen many movies this year, but I found 300 completely entertaining. A good movie? Frak, no. But damn enjoyable to watch. Why? I'll give you a few reasons:

1. Half-naked, well-built men. (okay, so maybe you weren't as into this as I was. Being male at all. Then again, if you were watching 300, maybe you do...)
2. Lots and lots of violence. Hee, hee!
3. Getting to yell "Spartan!" A lot.
4. Boiled skulls!

That last argument comes from the same guys that brought MST3K to you. You can download a riff track here, sync it to your DVD player, and listen to commentary so brilliant, it made 300 worth watching a second time. And darn it, looks like I am going to have to sit through Battlefield Earth and Star Wars: Episode I again.

In short, if you have nothing to do on a Friday night, grab a case of beer and drink every time you 1) hear someone yell "Sparta!" or some variation or 2) see blood fly in slow motion. If you aren't enjoying it, you'll be out cold within 20 minutes.

(In all seriousness, it actually wasn't a terrible adaptation of the graphic novel. There are a few changes that were made to flesh it out some but which I considered unnecessary. The narration was irritating. Otherwise, though, the graphic novel pretty much acts like a storyboard for the movie. )

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